Ok folks this is the eye care month. as you know we really care for eyes. That was the inspiration in writing the book prelex which has broken the top 100 k mark on Amazon. Today we will lok at some ways to beat the insurance industry and take care of our own eyes.
What should we eat?
1 Foods rich in vitamin A : Butternut squash, almonds, kale and other green leafy vegetable.
2. Balanced nutritious diet including some oils. Vitamin A is fat soluble and can only be then absorbed.
What should we wear?
1 Sunglasses or a cap keeps UV radiation out
2 Sunglasses also keep dust and allergen out.
3 Protective glasses when welding, gardening or working with drills
What should correct our refractive problems?
1. LASIK : Its safer than contact lenses
2 Prelex : its best for people above 45
What should be our daily eye care routine?
1. Wash your eyes in the morning to help remove secretions.
2. Evening wash to remove dust and allergens.
3. Rose water may be even better for these eye washes.
What should we avoid?
1. Contact lenses as they can cause sight threatening infections.
2 Visine eye drops
3 Rubbing eye