Tony Denison from “The Closer” discovers Prelex.


Famous actor Tony Denison from the hit TNT show “The Closer” reads about having Prelex surgery to fix his vision.

Actor Tony Denison fromthe hit TNT show “The Closer” reads about having Prelex surgery to fix his vision.  A new book on Prelex is geared toward people above forty-five years of age who want to see better or just want to give up their contacts or glasses for distance and near vision. It is also for people who are currently suffering from Cataracts because this procedure miraculously prevents the development of cataracts in the future.
This new technology called Prelex has evolved over the last five decades and over the past several years millions of implants have been implanted in patients all across the United States, Europe, and Asia. An alignment of various fields of science has culminated into this new and exciting technology. Prelex eye surgery is the product of the merger between cataract surgery and Lasik. It originated before Lasik but was handicapped by lack of methods to take out the natural lens of the eye. The advantage of the prelex procedure now proves quite outstanding. This procedure allows individuals to see near, middle and distance without the use of glasses or contacts. Therefore the prelex procedure will not only provide the best vision possible, but it will prevent one from having to undergo cataract surgery later in life.

Hector Elizoondo from the “Princess Diaries” looks into Prelex instead of lasik

Famous actor Hector Elizondo from “Princess Diaries” & currently starring on “Last ManStanding” talks with surgeon Dr. Khanna about having Prelex to fix his vision.

Famous actor Hector Elizondo from “Princess Diaries” and “Last Man Standing” talks with surgeon Dr. Khanna about having Prelex instead of Lasik.  Lasik is really a term that most are acquainted with. Recognized as a fast repair to a number of vision issues, Lasik promises enhanced vision skills along with a fast recovery. Prelex nevertheless, is really a extremely advanced process that may significantly enhance the vision of individuals above age 45. For all those which have been thinking about the Lasik process, and have already been told they’re not candidates, or are as well old to advantage from the process, prelex might be the answer to help their vision aliments.
Prelex is a procedure which replaces the eyes natural lens and has an artificial, presbyopic len’s put in instead. Experts have compared this process to present day cataract surgery. The prelex procedure was initially practiced throughout America hundreds of years ago, features since also been revamped, and it is now one of the fastest developing vision procedures in the Europe.
Fortunately now there is a new book on Prelex where you can get all the information you need. Readers have already been waiting to get a book like this, a book that would analyze essential info concerning the prelex process and clarify its advances. The book provides each readers and patients with info concerning the newest and most advanced vision correction process, prelex.

Can this prelex book replace a Doctor?

With all the apps/websites out there to make one healthy  one would wonder if we even need to bother about Obamacare, medicare or affordable health act. Over the years I have been asked to review various apps which monitor weight, calorie intake, calories burnt. Some apps are designed to screen the symptoms of patients and pull up relevant information from various websites. These are very helpful. These apps are based on algorithms designed to mimic human thinking.Just like the book on Prelex eye surgery. An often asked question is can they replace the doctors ?

Let me begin with a simple example. Exams test students. It was proposed that in open book exams students would do better. That was not true. After the students open the book they can look at facts but interpretation is still lacking. An MD spends around 8 years in gaining knowledge learning to identify signs and classifying them based on severity. He also learns to sift the data to come up with a differential diagnosis. Therefore he has learnt the ability to think about many conditions at the same time.

Can social media replace real friends and interactions? Same way patient doctor interaction is special. It has been shown to have a placebo effect. This added value a a “human” health-care professional provides is the reason why some doctors practices are bursting with patients. This factor has also to be taken in account when testing out a new drug. A doctor can also asses your psychological state which no computer can do.

There are some harmful effects on relying only on these apps. What if the app develops a bug. We have recently seen that apple maps has landed us in sticky situations. Can we play around with our life? Even when they work well they can give a false sense of hope. This can lead a potentially dangerous condition to become life threatening. Sometimes trivial things may get misdiagnosed (as a layman is interpreting) and create fear and emotional distress.

May be one day life will mimic art and we will have holographic doctors like in star trek. Til than peace.

Acorn features interview on the book- Prelex

Synthetic lens can restore vision
By John Loesing

THE BOOK COVER—Dr. Khanna’s work addresses Boomer eyesight.
Looking into the future, it’s easy to see what many of the baby boomers have in common. The 132 million U.S. men and women who are over 45 are routinely affected by failing eyesight, especially the ability to see up close.

Modern science is shedding new light on the topic of presbyopia and offering older Americans a chance to see like they were young again.

Men and women born between 1946 and 1966 are prime candidates for the procedure called Prelex, short for presbyopic lens exchange, in which the aging eye lens is removed and replaced with a new synthetic lens that allows the eye to see objects both near and far.

“I like to call it PI in the eye,” says Dr. Rajesh Khanna of Thousand Oaks, one of the leading Prelex and Lasik surgeons in the country. (PI stands for presbyopic implant.)

Khanna is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Cataract and Refractive surgery. He is certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology.

Dr. Rajesh Khanna
Khanna has published a new book titled “Prelex” that is geared toward older Americans who are fed up with reading glasses and poor vision—and want to do something about it.

“I didn’t sugarcoat anything,” the doctor says. “I put it out there and introduced all the risks and complications. It’s still the safest procedure out there.”

Prelex can be performed whether the patient is nearsighted, farsighted or has astigmatism. It can also be performed whether a person has had Lasik, radial keratotomy or other eye surgeries.

“Baby Boomers demand more and need to be seeing great,” Khanna says.

“This means if you are on a hiking trip you can pull out a map and read it without glasses,” his book states. “Or if you are a pilot, you may still retain your license without worrying about not seeing all those fancy instruments.”

In his book, Khanna tells patients everything they need to know about pre- and post-surgery, and about the operation itself.

The lens replacement is brief and painless, and takes about 15 minutes. The recovery period is quick and the results last for life. The presbyopic implants used in Prelex are FDA approved. Doctors have several lenses from which to choose.

“‘Wow, it’s a miracle.’ That’s the most common reaction I’ve heard,” Khanna says.

Prelex also will prevent cataracts.

For more information visit

Days of our lives with Prelex

Actress from “Days of Out Lives” Deidre Hall is interested in having Prelex surgery with Dr. Khanna of the Khanna Vision Institute.

Want to be able to see president Obama and Romney duke it out in clear vision? Now you can with the new Prelex vision correction surgery. Prelex surgery is aimed toward individuals over forty-five years of age who want to see far/middle/near, as well as, want to discontinue the fear of obtaining cataracts. This new technology has been defined over the last few decades and now is helping millions of people to see again free of glasses or cataracts. The new procedure Prelex will help one to steer clear of the development of cataracts in the foreseeable future because the natural eye lens is exchanged with a manmade lens. Cataracts cannot develop on the manmade lens and therefore someone who has had Prelex will never develop cataracts.

Actress from “Days of Out Lives” Deidre Hall was recently at the book signing by the author of Prelex. She was interested to learn about the new technology. She grabbed a book She said she  was interested in having Prelex surgery with Dr. Khanna, surgeon and author.
This break-through procedure is taking off in Los angles and New York. In addition, in the last several years countless implants are incorporated in individuals all in the United States. The advantages of the particular prelex course of action demonstrate pretty spectacular because not only to provide good quality eyesight but it will rid the need to undergo cataract surgical treatment later on in lifetime. And now all the information for this surgery can be found of a new book called Prelex. The new book gives information about Prelex in details. The Pros, and Cons, and everything in between. Check it out on amazon to get a copy for yourself and discover what prelex can do for you.

Presidential Debate Prelex

Candidates are debating what is the best option for them and the country. People are interested in knowing what is their vision for the country. Can they visualize events that have not yet taken place? Which one has the prudence to foresee international events and future terrorist attacks?

Barack H Obama or Mitchell Romney (what is his middle name or as in VA is he NMI. Took me a long time to figure it out. No middle Initial.

Some are concerned that they may not see eye to eye on subjects of national importance. Others feel the candidates spend too much time on iphones,blackberries and polls but not on common people.

What is not not in doubt is that prelex surgery is vision enhancing procedure and a permanent option to cure presbyopia.What is presbyopia and how is it reversed? IN brief presbyopia is the inability to change the focus of the eye as one ages. This prevents a person to read and see near. To learn more about this reader the chapter on Presbyopia and Baby Boomers in the lucid book on eyes – Prelex.

Guess what. Both the candidates are baby boomers. Anyone born between 1946 and 1964 qualifies for this title. Only one will become the President but no one can take this title away from either of them. Prelex is their birthright. Even though they may not have ready the book Prelex, maybe they are scanning this blog.

Maybe they will debate which is better for viewing the teleprompter, reading notes and viewing the audience- LASIK or PRELEX. There is no debate . It is Prelex,


Clinton Global Initiative and book on Prelex eye surgery

The goal of cliniton global initiative is to spread health all over the world.This gentleman from humble beginnings in Little rock, Arkansas has taken public service to a global level. The more people benefit the more successful the venture. A nice comparison to the wonderful book on Prelex which can benefit people all over the globe. Be it Tehran, Seoul or Peshawar there is freedom to read this informative book everywhere. As more people read and educate themselves on this cutting edge procedure,the global happiness level increases. They can donate their old glasses to the clinton initiative which can distribute them to the poorest of the poor. So lets all hail to the Chief and Ale to the book on Prelex eye surgery.

People of Louisiana also can be should be proud of President Clinton, as he was born there. He also informed us of an interesting fact. Anyone born in Louisiana part of the Louisiana purchase from the french are eligible for French citizenship if they speak fluent French. If anyone does go yonder don’t forget to pack your bags with the most important thing- the book on prelex eye surgery. You may have to translate it into French for the non english speaking folks.

New e-book on the benefits of prelex for vision correction in Arizona

Prelex is a new age type of vision correction for individuals over 45. It had been around for few years and is now becoming extremely popular all over the United States with the top doctors in Arizona choosing to imbibe this technology in thei practice. It works by taking away the eyes natural lens as well as changing it for a man-made or even presbyopic implant contact. This process can be remarkably important since it permits patients to see close proximity to, middle, as well as far with no usage of glasses or contacts. In addition, this process will save patients the need to go through cataract surgical treatment later, since cataracts can’t seem to produce inside man-made lens. So wheter you are resident of Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff or Bullshead city,Kingsman, Lake Havasu city, Chandler or Gilbert you can have access to this advanced eye procedure.

How will you find a good doctor proficient in Prelex? Now a new e-book called Prelex will give patients understanding on this modern procedure. This book allows people to think about the method, understand the surgeon/patient consultation, understanding what’s so great about prelex in excess of lasik. This Prelex books includes all the information to understand the whole  process of Prelex as well as what to expect after the procedure. It analyzes as well as interprets the hazards as well as preventible methods, in particular that of the procedure and the various implants, used during the prelex procedure. It enumerates various qaulities and skills you need to look for in a Prelex eye surgeon.
You will find there’s variety of implant lens to choose from which includes; Restor, Crystalens, as well as Tecnis implants. Every contact differs inside capacity as well as overall performance.

Here is a link to buy book on prelex

Innocence of aging eyes

When we were born did we know that one day we would loos the power to read. Or one day we may need glasses to see even movies. Or one day horrbly made poor videos would grab world attention while great books like on the subject of Prelex eye surgery would have to be googled for.

How come people dont take to the streets and celebrate knowledgeable books whcih enhance our minds and vision? Is the media to blame? We should challenge Hannity,Erin and Rachael to cover one heart warming, educating story for every 4 destructive stories they cover.

Also why bad news spreads faster than good news. Are we hard wired like that or does the society leave its impritn on us. We all need to reflect on this.
In the meantime lets educate ourselves by reading educative books like the book on Prelex by Dr.Raj. It will explain the workings of the eye and how to rectivy its shortcomings.

You know what is good about this book? It is applicable to people of all faith. Whether you practice the teachings of Buddha, or describe yourself as a Mormon, whether you are a chrishtian or a muslim, your eyes can be improved with prelex eye surgery. A short procedure and a life time of vision.

Solvency of medicare and prelex

when one undergoes prelex they never develop cataracts. Therefore a person living in Bethesda, MD or Valencia,Ca can enjoy great vision with prelex. At the same Medicare would be spared the expense of paying for cataract surgery.
Of,course Medicare does not pay much for cataract surgery. In the future as beneficiaries increase the reimbursement for the catarct procedure would have to decrease even further. This would lead to a shortage of qualified skilled surgeons proficient in cataract surgery who are willing to accept Medicare.
Lets solve this problem by opting to have prelex which is better than lasik for people above 45 years of age. I think both Paul Ryan and President Barack Obama would agree this is a good strategy to save government some money and i mprove health of the peopke. We welcome suggestions from people all over the United States regarding Prelex and Medicare.